This is a wall & shed type solar exterior lamp which is versatile in its use & profile and can be installed outdoors as a pathway marker or for general beautification of the area. It comes with 10 inbuilt white LEDs and can be mounted easily on walls. It comes with a 2 feet long string which when pulled, lights up the product. It also has an external solar panel which has to be placed efficiently outdoors where ample sunshine is received. --> FREE SHIPPING <-- ₹ 622.00 + 12% GST = ₹ 696.00
In the present day, LED lighting is very popular especially when it comes to contemporary lighting. Indoor lighting, especially on the walls, is one of the areas that LED lighting has had an impact on. There are a variety of styles available in indoor options including low level (normally placed an inch above the floor), bathroom, normal and decorative and designer. The style of lighting will be determined by the settings of the room as well as the activities involved in the room.